Auto Loans
More often than not, purchasers are unable to outright buy the things they own. Opting to instead defer payments to a later date, pay in installments, or secure a loan for the difference people can afford now and then paying off that loan over time with interest. Automobiles purchases are no different.
If you have come to this website, then you likely owe a debt on an auto loan you took out to purchase your car. You may also be experiencing financial hardship and have missed a payment, or multiple, causing your loan provider to file a lawsuit against you. That is where we come in. If your loan provider has filed a lawsuit to collect on the remaining balance of your loan it is imperative that you speak to a credit and debt attorney. If you do not properly respond to the lawsuit against you in a timely fashion, your creditor could receive a judgement against you for the full amount of your remaining balance. If that happens, your loan provider will be able to collect against you with court enforcement, you will lose the car you got a loan for, and your credit will plummet.
We at Vector Law Group are here to help prevent that. We are a team of experienced attorneys ready to help you navigate your auto loan lawsuit. Our team of professionals are here to handle your creditors, negotiate on your behalf, and help prevent a full judgement against you.
Call or email Vector law group if you would like to schedule a consultation about your existing auto loan debt. The first call is always free!