TAPS–The TAPS online grief support groups are here for you wherever you are in the grief process — and wherever you are in the country or the world. The site offers a safe, secure environment for people to share their thoughts and feelings. The site includes Chat rooms and Message boards for sharing.

Grief ShareA support group to help you move through the grief process

The Compassionate Friends–A national non-profit, self-help support organization that offers friendship, understanding and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings.

Good Grief–A site that provides a large listing of grief support resources.

childbereavement.org–Enables children and families to acknowledge change, adjust and integrate loss with healthful grief and mourning.

www.dougy.org–Provides support groups in a safe place where children, teens, young adults, and their families grieving a death can share their experiences.

A Mental Health Resources Guide for College Students–http://www.onlinecolleges.net/for-students/mental-health-resources.

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